
Vzrušuje mě bolest v pupíku

Lara (Pá, 15. 6. 2012 - 23:06)

Myslel jsi to tak , že jsi Martin Bellybutton modrametaliza , autor těchto videí -

Lara (Pá, 15. 6. 2012 - 02:06)

Teď jsem si četl první kometáře z roku 2009 , hustá nostalgie . To jsem byl ještě děvčátko :-)

Lara (Čt, 14. 6. 2012 - 20:06)

Osobní věci co dělám dyžtak proberem přes mail [email protected]

Lara (St, 13. 6. 2012 - 10:06)

Ahoj , naplníš si někdy bříško probodnutým pupíkem ? Jestli to jde . Mě by hrozně lákalo vytáhnout si pupík ven , sevřít ho do kleští a rozmačkat úplně na kaši . Márty , taky se ti víc líbí probodávat si pupík zcela tupým předmětem , nebo máš radši špičatý ?

Lara (Ne, 10. 6. 2012 - 23:06)

Já hledám holku na sex a nedaří se :-)
Při probodávání pupíku chci mít v tom nástroji cit , abych to v tý ruce hezky cejtil jak se to zabodává , takže s vrtačkou bych to dělat nechtěl , radši ten šroubovák . Zkracuju si čepel , aby mi to nemohlo projet moc hluboko , aby se to zarazilo o větší průměr rukojeti , je to bezpečný . Protože ono to při mačkání najednou prudce povolí a zamáčknul bych si to nebezpečně rychle hluboko . Máš nějakou holku , na ketrýse můžeš vyřádit a praktikovat pupíkařiny ?

Lara (Čt, 7. 6. 2012 - 14:06)

Martine , nepochopim , proč tadičně neodpovídáš na to , co ti zde píšu . S tebou se nedá bavit .

Martin- bellybu (Čt, 7. 6. 2012 - 08:06)

tady je moje dalšé video mého malinkého pupíku.J8 miluji hodně moc když si nafukuji svůj malinký pupíček a i si ho mučim,ale nejraději mám když si ho nafukuji a kůže se dost natahuje a pupík je dost plný až k prasknutí.

Lara (So, 2. 6. 2012 - 14:06)

No je to hustý Martine , ale škoda , že se to seká viď . A lákalo by tě probodnout si pupík něčím tlustým a tupým , a to tak , aby to při probodnutí vydalo pořádný zvuk ? Chce to nějaký 3 - 4 milimetry tlustý tupý drát a k pupíku mikrofon , aby bylo to probodnutí dobře slyšet . Ale kvůli mě to dělat a natáčet nemusíš , já jsem stejně na holky . To jenom abys to věděl , ať se ti daří , užívej si to a buď zdráv .
Jo a co nějaká holka , máš nějakou , jestli ne na společné soužití tak nějakou na sex ? Já zatím pořád ne chlapče .

Martin- bellybu (So, 2. 6. 2012 - 07:06)

Ahojky přátelé tak tady jsou další videa mého pupíku miluji moc když si ho nafukuji a on roste a kůže se moc natahuje a i pupík roste až chce prasknout.
tak se na ně podívej te a napiš te mi co na ně řikáte.

Lara (Pá, 1. 6. 2012 - 10:06)

Dva týdny je taky dobrý . Taky jsi psal , že sis do pupíku zasunul hodně dlouhý drát , ještě to někdy děláš ? Já jsem si tři měsíce s pupíkem nic nedělal .

Lara (Pá, 1. 6. 2012 - 00:06)

No tak já jsem teď v dlouhodobim půstu od masturbace , bude to za chvíli tři měsíce . Hodlám s tím ale brzo zase skončit . Na tvé diskuzi jsem se tě ptal jestli jsi někdy držek půst od masturbace , ty jsi ale na to ale vůbec neodpověděl , tak se tedy ptám znovu . Jestli ano , jak dlouho jsi to vydržel ?

Lara (Út, 29. 5. 2012 - 22:05)

Zajde sem někdo ?

Lara (Po, 7. 5. 2012 - 18:05)

Nová stránka speciálně na navel fetish

Lara (Ne, 6. 5. 2012 - 21:05)

stránka se spoustou videí , na které jdou pouštět , na rozdíl od you tube . Dávám jí sem poprvé

Lara (Pá, 4. 5. 2012 - 11:05)

Lara (Čt, 3. 5. 2012 - 12:05)

Lara (St, 2. 5. 2012 - 00:05)

další tipy

Home » Community Links

Navelicious –
Navelicious is currently one of the largest bellybutton forums on the Internet. Some highlights from their forum include the only belly/bellybutton torture game ever created, a female administrator who regularly posts pictures of her own bellybutton, and a portal with games and other activities beyond just bellybutton material. The users there speak a variety of languages. The community seems very active.

Bellybuttons on Reddit –
It’s hard to classify exactly what this group is. It’s reddit and at the same time it’s kind of supposed to be a forum. The group is not very active but that is probably because it is supposed to be a relaxed environment, unlike the high post rate forums of the past. The group was started by one of the former admins of Belly Love. Those who are looking to reconnect with other members from the old Belly Love may find this to be a great place to do so.

Tummies & Navels –
This forum was first discovered after the closing of Belly Love. The admin of the board was a member of Belly Love. He/she has stated that the forum is a continuation of the work started at Belly Love. The forum is becoming increasingly more active and is a good one to keep an eye on.

Nombrilla’s Amateur Bellybuttons –
Nombrilla has been around, in one form or another, for a very long time. Various websites and forums have carried the Nombrilla brand throughout the years. The latest iteration is a forum. The most active member is the administrator, Christy. He makes regular weekly posts from material that is not found on other forums. Nombrilla differs from other forums in that they specialize in amateur navels.

Sascha’s Forum –
This forum was submitted to us by a reader of our blog. We don’t speak or read German so we’re not exactly sure what the state or purpose of the forum is. There are a few posts. Perhaps it will grow into something more.

Female Celebrity Navels –
This message board has been around for a very long time. The members have had to make new accounts over the years as boards have problems or get shut down but the base group has largely remained active. Their main focus is on celebrity navels, as the title indicates. Many hard to find pictures have been uncovered by the members of the message board.

Female Celebrity Navels Backup Board –
This message board serves as a backup to the main Female Celebrity Navels message board. As state above, they have had to move their boards around over the years. This link is here in case something happens to the main message board and users need to regroup at the backup board.
Blog and Social

Tummy Tuesday –
Tummy Tuesday is a tumblr group where people post pictures of their stomachs every Tuesday. Both male and female members post. Though the theme is tummies, there are obviously plenty of bellybuttons for your viewing pleasure.

Celebrity Stomach –
Celebrity Stomach is a blog dedicated to showing exactly what its name suggests, celebrity stomachs. Most of the pictures are posted in excellent resolution. Most of the pictures are also of celebrities wearing bikinis. It seems that this blog pulls all the best resources from forums and other blogs dedicated to exposing celebrities.

The Bellybutton Blog –
If you are familiar with bob95eg’s work, then you will feel right at home at The Bellybutton Blog. bob95eg started a blog to talk about bellybuttons and his experiences taking pictures of bellybuttons. He does not update very often.

The Belly Button Lovers Fan Site –
This site is also commonly referred to as Warpgate. Some of our contributing members used to post pictures to Warpgate when it first appeared about 7 or 8 years ago. The site contains mostly user-contributed pictures. At the time of this writing, there seem to be a lot of male bellies and bellybuttons on the main page. There are both male and female contributors to the site.

Nabelschau –
This site was also submitted to us by a reader. It is also in German but it seems to have more content. It doesn’t seem like it is a blog or forum. It’s good to see new bellybutton sites popping up.

Navel Maniac –
Navel Maniac used to post pictures of female bellybuttons he had taken on the street. He has just been posting user contributions for the last several years. All of the pictures on the site are close up and show good detail.

Shipboy1973?s Bellybutton Fetish Site –
This is Shipboy1973?s (also known as bob95eg) official webpage. He posts pictures, links to his flickr account, and YouTube videos. Bob has had a lot of trouble with YouTube closing his accounts so his video embeds may or may not be functional when you visit.
Websites that don’t Update

The Navel Base –
The Navel Base has been the Internet starting point for many bellybutton seekers over the years. The site has not been updated in the last 11 years but it has remained available all this time. The site serves as a great example of how the bellybutton community looked on the Internet 10 – 15 years ago. It also still has valuable information, text files, and some good pictures.

Murph’s Bellybutton Collection –
This is not the original Murph’s Bellybutton Collection website. Murph’s site lived on GeoCities until GeoCities called it quits a few years ago and deleted all their websites. A massive project to back up all GeoCities websites took place before the shutdown and Murph’s page was saved. This snapshot is what the original page looked like at the time of that backup. It will remain this way for as long as it is hosted.

Bellybutton Bonanza –
Bellybutton Bonanza first appeared at a time when celebrity bellybuttons were most popular among navel lovers. Many celebrities were publicly baring their bellybuttons at events and Internet users were starting to scan pictures from new sources. This site offers a glimpse of the most popular celebrity bellybuttons at the time it was created.

Bellybuttons on Parade –
Bellybuttons on Parade was unique in its time, possibly even today, because it was one of the few pages that offered pictures of amateur bellybuttons that had been taken specifically with the objective of showing off the subject’s bellybutton. The page has managed to survive for the past 12 years, despite not being updated. Many of the bellybuttons are shown close up and offer a fair amount of detail.

Pretty Female Stomachs –
This website seems to be incomplete and it is unlikely that it will ever be finished. The Home and Photos page both showcase some amateur models with exposed bellybuttons. The author lists his email if you should wish to attempt contact with him for some reason.

The United States Navel Observatory –
Many years ago, this page was also a starting point for many navel enthusiasts. The author seems to have emulated the look and feel of The Navel Base. Perhaps it was even created by the same author. Both pages were usually listed near each other in the links sections of other community sites. The most notable feature of this page is the Navel Architecture page. Historically, this was the standard for classifying bellybutton types.

Bellybutton Lover’s Page –
There was a strange time period on the Internet when the bellybutton community was transitioning from hobbyist pages to forums. Somewhere in that time frame, Bellybutton Lover’s Page emerged. It was a great resource for stories, links, and a few pictures. Updates were frequent at the time but it seems the page has not been updated in about four years now. Many of the links there now point to sites and resources that are dead. The story sections are the site’s greatest offerings.

Burning Man Omphaloskepsis –
This page offers low quality snapshots of bellybuttons taken at Burning Man events. Many of the pictures featured are male bellybuttons but there are female navels in the mix.
Partially Functioning Websites

Behind the Eyes, Into the Bellybutton, and Beyond –
Arle Blaine’s website is another site that filled the gap between hobby site and forum days. Her website heavily promoted her own pictures but also featured submissions from others. There was a controversy surrounding her authenticity and then her pages mostly disappeared. The functioning parts of what was left can be found only through specific search engine searches. The top and bottom navigation of this link will take you to other functioning pages.

Wikipedia Entry for Navel –
This entry was started by the former OBF administrator, thedude. The article has continued to grow over the years and is quite informative.

Weird: She Has No Navel –,2944783&dq=actress+navel&hl=en
Google has scanned an old article from 1972 discussing a belly dancer who has no navel. Th

Lara (St, 2. 5. 2012 - 00:05)

stránka která nás může zajímat

. (Pá, 27. 4. 2012 - 19:04)


Lara (Čt, 26. 4. 2012 - 15:04)

Ahoj dinosaure :-) Taky je pro tebe víc vzrušující když je ten drát na konci úplně tupý , plochý , a při mačkaní tam nastane to náhlý probodnutí ? Dokážeš určit , jestli jsi si při tom probodávání propích střeva ? To nafukování mi nic neříká . A jak jsi na tom s holkama Márty ? Dopřeje ti nějaká bolest v břiše ? Jo hele, mám problém . Na stránce se musíš zaregistrovat , aby se dali pouštět videa . Já se zaregistroval před asi měsícem a pořád to píše , že musim počkat na schválení administrátorem . Už moc nevěřim , že to někdy klapne . Zkusíš se tam zaregistrovat ( je to bezplatný ) , založit si novej mail ( bez něj to nejde ) a napsat sem heslo a jméno ? Rád bych to tam zkouknul jestli tam jsou dobrý videa , třeba se ti to povede . A taky celkem , pátráš na netu po dobrejch videích ? Já nemůžu nic , co by pro mě bylo uspokojivý , najít . Dyžtak dej ňáký odkazy , jestli znáš můj vkus . Pouze holky , hubený břicho , skutečný mačkání do pupíku , probodávání nebo rány do břicha .


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