
Děti a punčocháče.

☮️✌️korkokluk (Po, 29. 11. 2021 - 17:11)

Musíme u tebe,já sem na ubytovně a je nás tam asi pět.Jinak vše nech na mně✌️

Návštěvník (Čt, 2. 12. 2021 - 17:12)

No jo,někomu se hold ,fakani nepovedou.

Návštěvník (Čt, 2. 12. 2021 - 17:12)

Znám dobře to ženskou co tě vyplivla ta byla taky na ubytovně a rozdávala si to se samejma fetkama ,delikventama a ciganama. Proto jsi takovej ubožák.

Helda (Po, 29. 11. 2021 - 09:11)

We live in England and our children 12 and 14 years normally wear tights to school but they are not alone who wear them were also recommended at school have tights normally children go there to the Czech school first I gave them thermal underwear but later they found out that other children have only tights and no one laughs at them that so bigger children wear tights under pants when we sometimes come to the Czech Republic so children travel in tights and have winter overalls in winter and summer station wagonWe live in England and our children 12 and 14 years normally wear tights to school but they are not alone who wear them were also recommended at school have tights normally children go there to the Czech school first I gave them thermal underwear but later they found out that other children have only tights and no one laughs at them that so bigger children wear tights under pants when we sometimes come to the Czech Republic so children travel in tights and have winter overalls in winter and summer overalls pWe live in England and our children 12 and 14 years normally wear tights to school but they are not alone who wear them were also recommended at school have tights normally children go there to the Czech school first I gave them thermal underwear but later they found out that other children have only tights and no one laughs at them that so bigger children wear tights under pants when we sometimes come to the Czech Republic so children travel in tights and have winter overalls in winter and summer overalls prWe live in England and our children 12 and 14 years normally wear tights to school but they are not alone who wear them were also recommended at school have tights normally children go there to the Czech school first I gave them thermal underwear but later they found out that other children have only tights and no one laughs at them that so bigger children wear tights under pants when we sometimes come to the Czech Republic so children travel in tights and have winter overalls in winter and summer overalls preWe live in England and our children 12 and 14 years normally wear tights to school but they are not alone who wear them were also recommended at school have tights normally children go there to the Czech school first I gave them thermal underwear but later they found out that other children have only tights and no one laughs at them that so bigger children wear tights under pants when we sometimes come to the Czech Republic so children travel in tights and have a winter jumpsuit in winter and a summer jumpsuit overWe live in England and our children 12 and 14 years normally wear tights to school but they are not alone who wear them were also recommended at school have tights normally children go there to the Czech school first I gave them thermal underwear but later they found out that other children have only tights and no one laughs at them that so bigger children wear tights under pants when we sometimes come to the Czech Republic so children travel in tights and have a winter jumpsuit in winter and a summer jumpsuit overWe live in England and our children 12 and 14 years normally wear tights to school but they are not alone who wear them were also recommended at school have tights normally children go there to the Czech school first I gave them thermal underwear but later they found out that other children have only tights and no one laughs at them that so bigger children wear tights under pants when we sometimes come to the Czech Republic so children travel in tights and have a winter jumpsuit in winter and a summer jumpsuit over We live in England and our children 12 and 14 years normally wear tights to school but they are not alone who wear them were also recommended at school have tights normally children go there to the Czech school first I gave them thermal underwear but later they found out that other children have only tights and no one laughs at them that so bigger children wear tights under pants when we sometimes come to the Czech Republic so children travel in tights and have a winter jumpsuit in winter and a summer jumpsuit over jWe live in England and our children 12 and 14 years normally wear tights to school but they are not alone who wear them were also recommended at school have tights normally children go there to the Czech school first I gave them thermal underwear but later they found out that other children have only tights and no one laughs at them that so bigger children wear tights under pants when we sometimes come to the Czech Republic so children travel in tights and have a winter jumpsuit in winter and a summer jumpsuit over springWe live in England and our children 12 and 14 years normally wear tights to school but they are not alone who wear them were also recommended at school have tights normally children go there to the Czech school first I gave them thermal underwear but later they found out that other children have only tights and no one laughs at them that so bigger children wear tights under pants when we sometimes come to the Czech Republic so children travel in tights and have a winter jumpsuit in winter and a summer jumpsuit over spring We live in England and our children 12 and 14 years normally wear tights to school but they are not alone who wear them were also recommended at school have tights normally children go there to the Czech school first I gave them thermal underwear but later they found out that other children have only tights and no one laughs at them that so bigger children wear tights under pants when we sometimes come to the Czech Republic so children travel in tights and have a winter jumpsuit in winter and a summer jumpsuit over spring orWe live in England and our children 12 and 14 years normally wear tights to school but they are not alone who wear them were also recommended at school have tights normally children go there to the Czech school first I gave them thermal underwear but later they found out that other children have only tights and no one laughs at them that so bigger children wear tights under pants when we sometimes come to the Czech Republic so children travel in tights and have a winter jumpsuit in winter and a summer jumpsuit over spring or summer only here in the Czech Republic stoho make a big problem that bigger children have tights but children when we travel anywhere so they ask for diapers and have no problem with it especially when they fly by plane so they are afraid to fly and on the plane they normally prepack on the toilet.

Návštěvník (Po, 29. 11. 2021 - 16:11)

Bydlíme v Anglii a naše děti 12 a 14 let normálně nosí punčocháče do školy ale nejsou samy kdo je nosí byly doporučené i ve škole mají punčocháče normálně tam děti chodí do české školy nejdřív jsem jim dal termoprádlo ale později to zjistili že ostatní děti mají jen punčocháče a nikdo se jim nesměje že tak větší děti nosí punčocháče pod kalhoty když někdy přijedeme do ČR tak děti cestují v punčocháčích a mají zimní kombinézu v zimě a v létě kombi

Míša (Ne, 28. 11. 2021 - 13:11)

V sedmdesátých letech, když mi bylo deset, tak mě ve škole kluci stáhli punčocháče kvůli lechtání. Na jednoho jsem něco řekl a tři kluci mě pak o přestávce vzadu za lavicemi zlechtali. Zuli mě bačkory a lechtali mě na nohách, přes punčocháče. Vřískal jsem, tak řekli, že punčocháče půjdou dolů... Svlékli mi rychle kalhoty a pak mi stáhli punčocháče a zlechtali mi bosé nohy, až jsem se počůral do trenýrek.

Fíbí (Po, 29. 11. 2021 - 00:11)

Ten příběh jsem četla už několik krát, jenom si se nikdy nezmíníl jaké barvy byli tý punčocháče. Viděli holky jak si se počůral? To si pak oblékl punčocháče na počůraný trenky, nebo sis je vysvlékl a byls nahatej?

Zuzka a její k… (St, 24. 11. 2021 - 11:11)

Chtěli bychom vám s holkama říci,že po zralé úvaze jsme došli k názoru ,že normální chlapi,by jsi této stránky vůbec nevšimli ,a už vůbec, by je tohle téma nezajímalo. Je to stránka pro děti a spíše pro ženy. Náše názory se přiklání že muž nebo pár můžu kteří sem píší jsou ujetí a sprostý hulvátů.

Návštěvník (St, 24. 11. 2021 - 12:11)

Oprava hulváti.

Aleš (St, 24. 11. 2021 - 11:11)

Prosím lidé můžete si psát sprostě nikam jinam než jsem tady to je děti a punčocháče a ne číst vaše sprosté urážky víte že na tuto stránku můžou i děti mladší 10 až 14 let tak laskavě to nedělejte a nebo to chcete napsat např čínský. 把侮辱留给颂歌

Simča (St, 24. 11. 2021 - 11:11)

Od kdy mají v Číně Aleše? Joudo.

Pipi (Po, 22. 11. 2021 - 20:11)

Jedu tramvají a pleny všude mají.Tak si je zajeď jinou tramvají koupit k tomu kombinézu a overal s dupačky,pak se to toho všeho nábal úchyle.

Návštěvník (Ne, 21. 11. 2021 - 10:11)

Naše děcka nechtějí nosí pleny, nevíte jak na ně? Je jím čtrnáct a dvacet.

Janka (So, 20. 11. 2021 - 12:11)

Je lepší ty punčocháče objednat jak to pro dospělé tak i pro děti buď na stránkách cenyrez a nebo punčocháče pánské a dámské i pro menší děti pletené u nás ale cenyrez mají punčocháče a od čísla jsou 90 až 180 cm a mají takovou jako by zebrovanou strukturu určitě si vyberete já už kupuji zhruba 3 roky a dva kluci jsou na punčocháče zvyklí nosí je úplně pod vším jak pod kalhoty tak i oteplovacky tak i zimní kombinézu a nemají s nikým žádný problém ani ve škole ale tam většinou si ve třídě punčocháče sundaji oni tam hodně děti mají punčocháče jelikož jim paní učitelka řekla že musí chodit v punčocháčích jelikož když chodí ven tak si zase punčocháče v klidu nasadí....

Denisa z Domažlicka. (So, 20. 11. 2021 - 11:11)

Dnes je krásný den a já se jdu podívat do obchodu jestli mají nějaké teplé punčocháče. Předpověď ukazuje ochlazení ,tak aby naše děti měli teplé oblečení na ven,a samozřejmě i já s manželem.

Návštěvník (Pá, 19. 11. 2021 - 22:11)

Koupit pleny je snadné , mají je v každé lékárně stačí ti změřit obvod pasu dítěte a míru ukázat lekárnici , mají různé druhy .

Kamil (Pá, 19. 11. 2021 - 21:11)

Můžu se zeptat jaké plínky pro takhle starší děti používáte? Vím že v zahraničí se plínky pro děti okolo 10ti let prodávají ale v českém obchodě jsem na nic takového nenarazila.Samozřejmě myslím plínky jednorázové , dávat dětem v tomhle věku plínky látkové je nesmysl.

Návštěvník (Út, 23. 11. 2021 - 21:11)

Máš zase pravdu,já kupují dětičkám s nohavičkami.

Návštěvník (Út, 23. 11. 2021 - 21:11)

Máš zase pravdu,já kupují dětičkám s nohavičkami.

Návštěvník (Út, 23. 11. 2021 - 21:11)

Máš zase pravdu,já kupují dětičkám s nohavičkami.


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