
Vzrušuje mě bolest v pupíku

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X (Ne, 10. 9. 2023 - 17:09)

kdo chce pokecat o pupících nebo se i na něco domluvit napište mi na mail [email protected]

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X (St, 6. 9. 2023 - 16:09)

Napiš mi na ten mail a domluvíme se

Mišo (Út, 22. 8. 2023 - 18:08)

Ahoj, nepokecáš o pupkoch? Tiež mám túto úchylku a som z tvojho regiónu. Kľudne napíš na [email protected]

Dominika a jej pupik (Pá, 25. 8. 2023 - 05:08)

A z ktorého regiónu, vidím že si zo Slovenska

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Woody (Po, 6. 11. 2023 - 22:11)

Bratislava a ty?

X (Út, 22. 8. 2023 - 15:08)

Napiš na mail [email protected] a můžem se domluvit

X (Út, 22. 8. 2023 - 15:08)

Martine, mohl, ale musel bys přijet do Brna, do Prahy teď aspoň dva měsíce nepojedu

Martin Jíra (Po, 21. 8. 2023 - 21:08)

Jsem z Prahy 10 mohl bych tě rád píchat do pupíku mohl bys mi prosím píchat jehly injekce do pupíku i jinde po těle. Předem díky moc.

Anonym (Po, 16. 10. 2023 - 16:10)

Ahoj já právě jedu do Prahy 10.. chtěl by jsi mi propíchnout pupík ?

navel (Út, 1. 8. 2023 - 00:08)

Once I got a message how to pull out innie navel permanently. This is it: When you want to seperate the navel from fascia, you have to understand that the sole purpose of this tissue is to connect skin to musscle tissue. The umbilical stalk almost entirely consists of this and scar tissue. These types of tissue are harder than skin or muscle. First you have to soften them up with stretching over a year. Then in the procedure, you tie the navel out as far as possible and you have to feel where the umbilical stalk starts underneath the base of the navel. Right in this area, you have to apply saline solution first, to increase volume, tension and space in this area. Use a thin needle for the injection. Next you have to use a thick piercing needle to create a pocket underneath the navel similar to how breast implant pockets are created. It is basically doing a half way true outie piercing in multiple angles. Pull the piercing needle out and push it back in, in different directions/ angles repeatedly. Keep in mind to stay within the horizontal plane while the patient is laying on the back. You dont want the needle to go down towards the belly and you dont want it to go up, pointing out of the navel. Piercing needles basicly have a razor blade like point that will cut the tissues and seperate them from one another. It is quite painful, like I explained - similar to multiple true navel piercings. That's why I recommend also using some lidocain solution within the saline in the first place. At the end, when to pocket is created and the tissues are seperated, you have to keep them seperate. One time I used a PTFE lined small magnet, that is normally inserted into someones fingertip or an NFC chip that is normally inserted between thumb and indexfinger can also be used. The size has to be chosen apropriately based on the anatomy of the patient. Lastly what I tried was using hyaluron filler, which is regularly injected into peoples faces and especially lips by plastic surgeons to get rid of wrikles and small lips. This stuff is well researched and also dissolves over the years, not meaning that the navel will go back in size, but while it dissolves it leaves behind new scar tissue filling the pocket created during the procedure.

Pupik (Ne, 30. 7. 2023 - 15:07)

Vye mi niekto poradiť ako by som mohol môj innie pupok spraviť na outie tak aby ostalo tak navzdi

Návštěvník (Po, 31. 7. 2023 - 12:07)

vytiahni z jamky a podviaz silonom

Pupik (Po, 31. 7. 2023 - 14:07)

Aha ďakujem a dokedy mám nechať silon.alebo navzdi už tam nechám

Návštěvník (Po, 31. 7. 2023 - 12:07)

vytiahni z jamky a podviaz silonom

Návštěvník (Čt, 27. 7. 2023 - 15:07)

OK napiš mi na e-mail: [email protected] a domluvíme se

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Resty (Po, 18. 9. 2023 - 00:09)

Jsi divka?

X (So, 1. 7. 2023 - 20:07)

Někdy by si chtěl hrát s mým pupíkem, jsem z brnax, 16, kluk

Bryan (So, 1. 7. 2023 - 18:07)

ahoj Dominika. poznas este niekoho z okresu TN? mas piercing na pupku? ako sa s nim rada hras?

Dominika a jej pupik (Ne, 2. 7. 2023 - 22:07)

Ahoj, nie nemám piercing, nepoznám nikoho z okolia. Hrám sa s ním, ceruzka, pero, občas ho prepichnem a ty?? Odkiaľ si

pupik (Pá, 30. 6. 2023 - 10:06)

Ahoj mna velmi vzrusuje pupik.rad sa hram snim alebo ked hraju s mojim.Som zo Slovenska okr.Lucenec


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