
Gilbert syndrom

Návštěvník (Út, 18. 12. 2007 - 18:12)

Já si myslím že alkohol zvyšuje bilirubin, tak bych to moc nedoporučovala.

Návštěvník (Út, 18. 12. 2007 - 18:12)

Já si myslím že alkohol zvyšuje bilirubin, tak bych to moc nedoporučovala.

Ota (Čt, 13. 12. 2007 - 17:12)

Ahoj, mam tuto chorobu a chtel jsem se zeptat, zda -li ma tato choroba nejaky vliv na konzumaci alkoholu?Diky za odpoved

Návštěvník (St, 12. 12. 2007 - 16:12)

chefo:jo, souvisí to dohromady. Bilirubin se hromadí v kůži což způsobuje právě to svrbění.Většinou se to řeší Dithiademem, což je antihistaminikum-je ale pouze na lékařský předpis. Možná by neuškodila kontrola u lékaře, že by odebral krev na zjištění hodnoty bilirubinu a zároveň by napsal recept na nějaké antihistaminikum:)

chefo (Út, 11. 12. 2007 - 15:12)

Mam zvysenu hladinu bilirubinu a svrbi ma cele telo.Ma to nieco spolocne?Dakujem

unknown strange (Po, 19. 11. 2007 - 23:11)

neni dovod na obavy, jedine nech obmedzi mastne jedla ale ani to nemusi. Obmedzenia prakticky neexistuju. Je to dedicne, ale nikto nevie ako, u nas v rodine to nema nikto iba ja, naopak zdravy ludia mozu mat dieta s tymto syndromom. Inak prejdi si trochu tuto diskusiu, dost je to tu rozobrate. Ale mozes byt kludna, ked nejde o zivot nejde o nic :-)

katka (Ne, 18. 11. 2007 - 20:11)

Dobrý deň, prosím poraďte mi. Môj priate? má zvýšenú hladinu bilirubínu, vraj to zdedil po otcovi aj starom otcovi. Výsledky pečene má stále ok. Prosím Vás čo to znamená? Môže sa stať, že je nachylný viac na určité choroby? Mal by nejako upraviť jedálniček alebo sa niečoho vyvarovať? Ve?mi sa o neho bojím. Je dôvod na strach alebo nie? Ďakujem.

gibi (St, 31. 10. 2007 - 07:10)

Ahojky Evo, Co se antikoncepce týče mě byli doporučeny náplasti a jsem s nimi spokojená, přesto, ale moje dokrorka u mě hlídá každé 3 měsíce jaterní testy. Už několikrát jsem se zajímala o dědičnost a přenos z matky na dítě, ale nikdo ti neodpoví. Dítě to mít a může a taky nemusí. U nás doma GS taky nikdo nemá, ale doktorka říkala že jen stačí, že se potkali určité geny a je z toho GS. Takže stejně pořád nikdo nic neví . . . .jako vždy

Eva (Út, 30. 10. 2007 - 22:10)

Ahoj gibi, ja mám 27 a HAK som nikdy nebrala ani sa nechystám. Aspoň kým nebudem mať dieťa, aby potom nebol problém. Nechce sa mi pchať do seba chémiu a potom sa pozorovať, aké má ved?ajšie účinky. Ale myslím, že názory doktorov sa na túto tému rôznia, niektorí tvrdia, že keď máš vysokú hladinu bilirubínu, tak máš poškodenú pečeň a netreba ju ešte viac ničiť, iní tvrdia, že zvýšený bilirubín nepredstavuje poškodenie pečene, iba tam niečo neprebieha tak ako presne má. Aj mne vyšetrovali pečeň už milión krát a vždy prišli na to, že ju mám úplne v poriadku. Tak ja už neviem, kde je pravda. Pečeň je v poriadku, je to len chybička krásy (žlté oči), ale HAK neodporúčame. Divné. Ale ja si myslím, že doktori ani poriadne nevedia, čo je to GS, žlté oči a zvýšený bilirubín signalizujú, že čosi nie je O.K., tak to radšej nebudú odporúčať. Ktovie či GS je skutočne problém, pre ktorý by doktor nemal predpísať HAK. Ale mám kamarátku, ktorá má GS a berie HAK, zatia? nemala žiadny problém. Ozaj, ktovie ako je to s dedičnosťou u GS? Aká je vlastne pravdepodobnosť, že moje deti by mohli mať GS? Moji rodičia ani starí rodičia to nemali (ani nikto v rodine) a my so sestrou to máme obe...

Marina (Út, 30. 10. 2007 - 13:10)

gibi:Ahoj.Je mi 19 let a před týdnem mne propustili z nemocnice s doporučením, že musím užívat antikoncepci,protože ze zvýšené hladiny prostaglandinů dostávám prudké křeče.Zároveň však trpím GS a doktor mne objednal k hepatologovi,abych to s ním probrala a vybral mi vhodné léky.Určitě Ti dám vědět.

gibi (Út, 30. 10. 2007 - 11:10)

To sem vážně nechodí žádné ženy ( dívky ) se kterými bych mohla probrat užívání antikoncepci při GS???

unknown strange (So, 27. 10. 2007 - 16:10)

jo je, ale nechce sa mi vsetko prekladat, je to o SAM-e

FILIP (So, 27. 10. 2007 - 13:10)


unknown strange (Pá, 26. 10. 2007 - 13:10)

SAMe (S-Adenosylmethionine) & Methionine - Reduces Bilirubin, Estrogen, Increases Bile Transport, Enzyme Support, Mood

SCIENCE: National Library of Medicine

Effect of different doses of S-adenosyl-L-methionine (SAMe) on nicotinic acid-induced hyperbilirubinaemia in Gilbert's syndrome.

S-adenosyl-L-methionine (SAMe) has been shown to increase hepatocyte membrane fluidity thereby relieving signs of oestrogen-induced cholestasis. S-adenosyl-L-methionine might therefore prove effective in improving the efficiency of the transport of organic anions such as nicotinic acid (NA) and bilirubin which is impaired in Gilbert's syndrome (GS). In this study the effects on the metabolization rate of NA and bilirubin of two dosages of SAMe were evaluated in respect to placebo in ten male inpatients (mean age 24 years, range 16-31) with GS. Each patient received both SAMe (800 and 200 mg/day, respectively) and placebo treatment i.v. over a period of 10 days. The NA test (5.9 mumol/kg b.w. i.v.) was carried out in the same volunteers after each treatment. Unconjugated bilirubin (UCB) levels were significantly lower (p less than 0.01) after 800 mg/day SAMe than after placebo while the lower dosage of SAMe did not affect UCB values. The bilirubin time curve concentration, expressed as area under the curve (AUC), was significantly reduced (p less than 0.01) after 800 mg SAMe in comparison with the values obtained after placebo and 200 mg SAMe. Also plasma NA half-life was significantly reduced (p less than 0.01) by the higher dose of SAMe in respect to placebo and not by the lower dose.

In Short: SAMe has been shown to improve efficiency in transporting nicotinic acid (niacin) and bilirubin at 800mg/day. It also relieves signs of estrogen-induced cholestatis, a condition where bile cannot flow from the liver to the duodenum.

Methylation involves conjugating methyl groups to toxins. Most of the methyl groups used for detoxification come from S-adenosylmethionine (SAM). SAM is synthesized from the amino acid methionine, a process which requires the nutrients choline, vitamin B12, and folic acid. SAM is able to inactivate estrogens (through methylation), supporting the use of methionine in conditions of estrogen excess, such as PMS. Its effects in preventing estrogen-induced cholestasis (stagnation of bile in the gall bladder) have been demonstrated in pregnant women and those on oral contraceptives. In addition to its role in promoting estrogen excretion, methionine has been shown to increase the membrane fluidity that is typically decreased by estrogens, thereby restoring several factors that promote bile flow. Methionine also promotes the flow of lipids to and from the liver in humans. Methionine is a major source of numerous sulfur-containing compounds, including the amino acids cysteine and taurine.

In Short: SAM also inactivates excess estrogen via methylation. Is S-adenosylmethionine (SAM) the same as S-adenosyl-L-methionine (SAMe)?

Methionine, administered as SAM, resulted in a significant decreases in serum bilirubin in patients with Gilbert's syndrome in a recent clinical study. SAM has been used with favorable results in a variety of other chronic liver diseases. TMG also converts to SAMe while being considerably less expensive.

Methionine is an essential amino acid which contains sulfur. It is found in animal products, and is important to control fat levels in the liver and the arteries. In the absence of high animal product intake, there is a danger of not getting enough methionine. This is the most common dietary deficiency seen in vegetarians.

Plant foods contain methionine as well: beans, seeds, onions, peanuts, lentils, and some grains. Methionine prevents fat build-up by assisting in the breakdown of fats; it detoxifies the digestive system; it is a powerful antioxidant; it reduces histamine levels; helps women excrete estrogen; helps to detoxify the liver.

Methionine, administered as SAM, resulted in a significant decreases in serum bilirubin in patients with Gilbert's syndrome in a recent clinical study. SAM has been used with favorable results in a variety of other chronic liver diseases. TMG also converts to SAMe while being considerably less expensive.

I initially tried SAMe for 10 days at 400mg/day and then stopped since there was no visible improvement in my condition. A week later, I did some more research and found info on some web site that sold SAMe that SAMe should only be taken on an empty stomach and it should also be supplemented with Vitamin B-Complex. I started taking SAMe again early in the morning with B complex supplement and it's only been 7-8 days and I can definitely see an improvement. There is definitely some (little but noticable) white in my eyes that has not been there over the last 25+ years since I was diagnosed with GS. Today was the first day I went 800mg.


I got Nature Made brand SAMe about a month ago, thanks to suggestions on this site. I've been taking it here and there along with other supplements but not felt much of a difference. That is, until yesterday.

I decided to try the supplements all on their own, and yesterday was the day for testing SAMe. I discovered that I had only been taking a half-dose (200mg). It's worded strangely, but it appears you need to take 400mg (2 tablets) at ONCE. Well, I finally did this, and there was a marked positive effect. My mood improved, my brain fog subsided, music sounded better, and I became more outgoing and felt better overall. It was similar to the effect of Dextromethorphan, I thought, only about 1/3 as strong.

I've only tried the full dose this once, but based on how I felt (and still feel this morning), I highly recommend it.

Here's what it says on the box:
SAM-e (s-adenosylmethionine) is a naturally occurring compound found in all living organisms. In humans, SAM-e is distributed throughout the body and is involved in many biochemical processes. Since significant amounts of SAM-e are not available through diet alone, the body is primarily responsible for producing its own SAM-e. Scientists know that SAM-e declines as people age and that certain groups of people, including those with low mood and liver conditions, tend to have lower levels of SAM-e in their bodies. Over 100 clinical studies involving thousands of people have proven that SAM-e supplementation benefits a multitude of body functions including:

* Mood Support: Enhances mood by promoting a healthy balance of neurotransmitters, dopamine and serotonin, which are part of overall healthy brain cell functions.
* Joint Comfort: Promotes joint health by helping to maintain joint cartilage which naturally deteriorates with physical activity and age
* Liver Health: Helps support detoxification and overall healthy liver functions.

Interesting to note that while I noted a similarity in effect with dextromethorphan, it turns out this ALSO helps improve dopamine and serotonin levels. Toss in the help with detox and this becomes very beneficial.

I still take hits in energy/discomfort/fog after I eat, but not quite as bad, and it doesnt last as long.

PERSONAL: Gilberts Web Forums

Gilbert's Syndrome by Marina Eckel

S-adenosylmethionine (SAM), an important physiological agent formed in the body by combining the essential amino acid methionine with adenosyl-triphosphate (ATP) has been shown to both activate several Phase II pathways (including glucuronidation) as well as promote bile flow and relieve cholestatis. {Pizzorno, 157} {Murray, 372}.

unknown strange (Pá, 26. 10. 2007 - 13:10)

a co tak skusit SAM-e, vynasli to niekedy v r. 1956, dost casto sa to vyskytuje na forach o GS. Niektora studia dokonca tvrdi, ze znizuje bilirubin. Som sice skeptik, ale co ak... SAM-e obsahuje vitamin B6 (pyridoxin), B9 (kyselina listova) a vitamin B12.

FILIP (Pá, 26. 10. 2007 - 10:10)


FILIP (Pá, 26. 10. 2007 - 09:10)


unknown strange (So, 20. 10. 2007 - 22:10)

tento uryvok som nasiel na nete, pise to nejaka zena, to je jedno, mozno ze aj tu bola, ale k podstate - presne toto je velmi vystizne a isto sa nebude hnevat, ze to sem dam:

chcem sa spytat, ci niekto prisiel do styku s Gilbertovym syndromom - resp. zvysenou hladinou bilirubinu...
...ak ano, zaujimalo by ma, co by sa s tym dalo robit...
...energia isto neuskodi, ale genetika asi velmi nepusti...

...takito ludia sa aj velmi rychlo unavia, lebo sa im rychlo rozpadaju cervene krvinky a kedze nemaju enzym, ktory zhlukuje bilirubin tvoriaci sa z rozpadnutych cervenych krviniek, maju ho vela v krvi...vtedy maju zltu farbu koze a ocne bielka...
...ale asi najotravnejsie je, ze su UNAVENI aj z malej namahy a nevedia sa dokopat ani do toho, co ich bavi a co by radi robili...

...a doktori s tym nevedia nic spravit, tak by som bola vdacna za kazdu vasu alternativnu radu...

gibi (St, 17. 10. 2007 - 06:10)

Otázka pouze pro ženy a dívky : jakou používáte antikoncepci při GS???

Marina (Út, 16. 10. 2007 - 18:10)

Lili:mne zjistili GS taky v 11 letech.Byvalo mi totiz neustale spatne. Po nasazeni diety se to vse upravilo.Nekdy mi byva spatne nalacno-tj. hlavne rano.Proto je lepsi jist casteji denne po malych davkach.


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