
Gilbert syndrom

Ročková Eva (Čt, 16. 9. 2004 - 20:09)

U syna mi sdělili, že má pravděpodobně Gilbertovu nemoc ,chtěla bych se na vás obrátit s dotazem jaké jsou možnosti léčby a možné komplikace či je nutné nějaké dietní či jiné opatření Děkuji Eva Ročková

Isterius (Čt, 16. 9. 2004 - 09:09)

Ahojlidicky, benigni hyperbilirubinemii mi zjistily kdyz jsem sel na vojnu a to jsem mel hodnoty 204 bilirubinu, ted se to pohybuje v rozmezi 80-95 mam obtize jak pisete -zlute belmo,bolesti v pravem podzebri a ta unava hruza a to mi je 22 let.Doktorka mi napsala Flavobion a Esencial ale hodnoty jsou porad stejny neznate neco lepsiho Diky

unknown strange (So, 11. 9. 2004 - 18:09)

Ja teraz berem sylimarin forte, kt. som si kúpil v Čechách a tiež LIV 52, a to dosť vysoké dávky. Dúfam že sa aspoň trochu pečeň detoxikuje

Jan (So, 11. 9. 2004 - 17:09)

Ten LIPOVITAN nie je ani v Cechach!Neviete preco sa bilirubin zvysuje pri hladovani? Po telesnej namahe - to chapem-odburava sa vacsie mnozstvo cervenych krviniek.

unknown strange (Út, 7. 9. 2004 - 09:09)

Pýtal som sa na Lipovitan, ale už sa nevyrába.

unknown strange (Ne, 5. 9. 2004 - 18:09)

A skúšal niekto Lipovitan. Ten je bez predpisu a obsahuje tiež ten metionin.

unknown strange (Ne, 5. 9. 2004 - 11:09)

No ja som LIV 52 bral vyše 2 mesiace,ale žiadne zníženie bilirubínu som nezaznamenal, dokonca som bral aj 8 tabliet denne a nič. A ten lekár je pod?a mňa hajzel, ktorému je úplne jedno či má nikto vysoký bilirubín či nič.

Jan (So, 4. 9. 2004 - 19:09)

Pytal som sa v lekarni na METIONIN.Existuje ako hotovy liek a dokonca ho mozu na objednavku navazit.Ale vsetko na predpis! Lekarovi som ukazal clanok z internetu

unknown strange (So, 28. 8. 2004 - 16:08)

Sometimes I used to take an eye´s drops - it reduce nerves in my eyes, and for a while my eyes are less yellow or almost white.

Florian (So, 28. 8. 2004 - 11:08)

I hate when people think I have a jaundice. It really sucks.-- This is also my only problem.

Florian (So, 28. 8. 2004 - 11:08)

If you wake up every morning, your eye is blodfree(that means that there are no blood stains in your eye). The blood stains transport the bilirubin in the eyewhite. If you don't have any of them,(like some people have....that is why you can't see that some have gilbert although they have high bili, because their eyes have no blood stains) you don't get yellow eyes.

unknown strange (So, 28. 8. 2004 - 11:08)

I really don´t imagine how does it possilbe to have a white eyes, whenthe bilirubin is high. But I would like to belive in this.I hate when people thing I have a jaundice. It really sucks.

Florian (Pá, 27. 8. 2004 - 15:08)

The yellowness in your eye depends on the blood points and the blood grains in your eye. I have heard that there are products, who avoid blood points and the blood grains, so that the eye gets white, although bili is high!! I have only the yellow eyes, sometimes a bit tiredness. I have to look for the product...

Florian (Čt, 26. 8. 2004 - 17:08)

Did you have tested following things that are called on following side.Because of the different gilbert groups; some people can be cured(and have no jaundice when they take Zixorin,barbitals,St John Woths liquid,TMG....)But by the other group , these treatments don't work.A good gilbert forum:

unknown strange (Čt, 26. 8. 2004 - 14:08)

Wow, that are very interesting sites.So many researchments, but I do notsee any way how to get rid of this fucking disease. I have no health troubles,only thing which sucks are yellow eyes. I still look for some rational way to decrease the level of bilirubin in my blood.

Florian (St, 25. 8. 2004 - 22:08)

But I have heard and read that barbital dont work in every person!!look at following side:

unknown strange (St, 25. 8. 2004 - 17:08)

Well men, only thing I know about zixoryn is that this drug you can get in Russia. Before several years it was possible to get in Slovak republic, but now, they don´t import it. But I heard that some people with Gilbert´s syndrome take the Phenaemal or Phenaemaletten - product of German pharmacy company. It include barbital, which reduce the level of bilirubin in your blood count. But it habit forming substance, so you must be carefull and it is for prescribtion as well.

Florian (So, 21. 8. 2004 - 23:08)

Does anyone of you had experiences with Zixorin??I have heard that only 20% of all patients with gilbert disease could be cured??Is this right?? Is zixorin able to develop cancer in your boby??These are all statements, I have heard.Please tell me, what is right?? Please answer in English please, because I can't understand Czech language.Thanks Florian.

Florian (St, 18. 8. 2004 - 11:08)

Do you really think that patients with gilbert syndrom who are older than 40 years loose their high billirubin level??I don't think so, because there are many people who are older and have still their jaundice, which comes from the gilbert syndrom.I have read that there are two main ways of having gilbert.One group, which has "only a small gilbert gene", makes about 20% of the whole gilbert patients. These patients could esily cured through several treatments.( It may be that this group loose their jaundice, when they are older than 40 years). But the other group, which makes the main part(80%), is not easily be cured.Please answer in English please, because I can't understand Czech language.Thanks Florian.

unknown strange (So, 7. 8. 2004 - 17:08)

Drugs that decrease bilirubin measurements include barbiturates, caffeine, penicillin and high dose salicylates. Čiže v preklade:Liečivá, ktoré znižujú množstvo bilirubínu zah?ňajú:fenobarbital, kofeín, penicilín a vysoké dávky kyseliny salicylovej.Nájdeš to na stránke:'s%20Syndrome%20All%20About%20Bilirubin.html


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